Notice related to irregular general assembly of shareholders convened on September 25, 2020


We would like to inform you that at the first meeting of the irregular general meeting of the shareholders of Advance Terrafund REIT, convened on 25.09.2020 at 12.00 in the headquarters of the company in Sofia, at 1 Zlatovrah Street, according to the list of the shareholders and the persons with voting rights of the Company as of 11.09.2020, provided by Central Depository AD, from 11:15 am to 12:00 pm on 25.09.2020 are registered 7 shareholders / proxies, holding a total of 17,036 883 shares and voting rights or 20.02 % of the registered capital of the company and of the voting shares.
According to art. 227, para 1 of the CA and art. 39, para 1 of the Articles of Association of the Company, a quorum of more than half of all shares of the capital of Advance Terrafund REIT is required for holding the General Meeting.

On the grounds of art. 227, para 1 of the CA and art. 39, para 1 of the Articles of Association of the Company due to the lack of quorum The Quorum Verification Commission has accepted that the meeting cannot be held and to adopt valid decisions and should be held according to art. 227, para. 3 of the CA and art. 39, para 2 of the Articles of Association of the company on October 09, 2020, at 12:00, at the same place and with the same agenda.

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